Business & Human Rights


Business has a responsibility to respect human rights. It’s a responsibility that can be complex and challenging, but one that we believe is achievable with the right approach. We believe that at every step of the value chain, opportunities exist to recognize the salient human rights issues and address them in positive ways that benefit both business and society.


We work hand in hand with our clients, conveying the scale, importance, and value of understanding and responding to human rights issues. We understand the significance and challenge of finding balance in addressing the needs of business and respecting the rights of individuals.


We partner with key decision makers to develop strategies and implement policies that meet the expectations of international human rights standards.

  • Defining “north star” visions for human rights
  • Developing robust and actionable policies and strategies to proactively manage human rights
  • Developing benchmarking tools and prioritization frameworks for decision-making
  • Creating internal platforms to promote respect for human rights

Due Diligence

We help companies “know and show” respect for human rights by conducting robust human rights due diligence and designing action plans to address salient risks.

  • Corporate, product, market, customer, supply chain, and site level human rights impact assessments
  • Impact assessments focused on specific vulnerable groups, such as children
  • Rightsholder, stakeholder, and community engagement
  • Crisis response and issues management


We help set up the necessary structures and programs that place people at the center of decision making—at any level of the company.

  • Integrating human rights into existing governance structures and enterprise risk management systems
  • Training and awareness raising, including equipping internal teams with the knowledge and tools to carry out human rights due diligence
  • Designing grievance mechanisms and rights respecting approaches to remedy
  • Internal tracking and communication on human rights policies and practice
  • Public reporting and disclosure that aligns with international best practices